Hey, you asked.

Well. I've been asked a few questions several times about this creative outlet, and, well, it's time that the most common questions were answered in such a way as that I don't have to answer them every time we get a new reader. If there's anything you, yes, you, want to ask, email us and we'll respond and/or it will get put on here. So, here we go!
Q: Hey! I see me!

Hey! That's not a question! But really, no, you don't. You might see a character that's based on you or someone you know, but, trust me, it's not you, it's not your friend, not even if they talk like them. Not trying to be mean about it, but I don't want anyone pissed of at me because I wrote "them" as doing something they'd never do. Stranger things have happend.

Q: Is this about you or anyone you know?

Kinda redundant, but I want to make sure this is covered, because it's important. This is another no. The story presented here is completely fictional. When I started out, some of the characters were based heavily on people I knew, but as I've continued to write and revise, this has become less and less true, to the point now that it's a loose association, and nothing more. Someone might recognize a quirk or a quote or something like that, but after it's all said and done, the story, and the people in it, just aren't real.

Q: Can I email you about what I think of the comic?

Absolutely! I love to hear from the people that are reading this! That's what those email links under the names are for. Any praise, questions, ideas, or condemnations are welcome. At least to me. Though, for ideas, I have to request that you keep it to ideas about the site, not the story, because I really can't disrupt the story I'm trying to tell just to slip your idea in there somewhere. Unless, of course, the updating of the site is being held up by writer's block. Which you'll hear about, probably. Also, if you're going to critcize my work, please, please be intelligent about it. Talk about what's wrong with the story, not me. Your fingers vomiting vulgarities and "You suck, you psycho" into cyberspace is most definitly not going to change anything.

Q: So, just what is this about?

Hmm. This will be much better explained when the Cast & Crew page is finished, but I'll give it a shot here until it's up.
First, we have John. I guess you could call him our protagonist, and he might even be a hero, but we haven't seen it yet. John has returned to his hometown three years after his funeral. No, that's not a typo, three years after his funeral. No, he's not undead. This is not a vampire story. Or a zombie story. Just exactly what he is, or isn't, and why everyone thinks he's dead will be made more clear as the storyline unfolds. Right now the story is about coming home to a place that really isn't home.
Anway, he's come back just in time for the marriage of two of his closest friends, Roland and Marie. They'll probably become more important in the future.
Also, there's this strange woman, Selina, who's following him around, and generally giving him grief. She's the closest thing to an antagonist right now, as she really apparently doesn't want John to be revealing the fact that he's not dead. Bizarre, eh?
And then there's "the voice". Hm. What's going on there will probably be revealed... someday. For now, just let it make you ask, "Is this guy totally nuts?"

Q: Hey! I have a question about the art!

Erm. Well. Seeing as I write and code, I am not the person to ask. Jed?

And I'm out of questions. Email me more. I miss them.